It's ironic that the whole reason I started to write was to fill people in on my busy life.. then I got to busy to fill people in. The past few months have been packed with opportunity, adventure, meditation, questions, and so much that I've wanted to write about.. so better late(r) then never. So here is my recap of the summer and fall in case you were wondering where I disappeared to for the last few months..
But what I was not expecting was that this activity has become a big part of my life. Not just for the activity itself but what it has come to represent in my life journey. Rock climbing, for me, means trusting not only your own ability but the tools you have been handed to handle the risk of scaling 800 vertical feet. Well it's possible, and it's a lot of fun! When I began climbing I was so unsure of my own ability to climb and I did not like that all I had to rely on for backup should my own strength fail is a rope and some pro. Now, a few months later, my favorite spot to be is 800 feet up tied into an anchor that over looks the valleys and mountains, and hang on the cliff in the sun. Climbing was a mental strength I had to build before it was a physical strength for me. And with that, I have learned that that mentality used for climbing can be reused for almost everything in life. As I continue to pursue dreams I must continue to strengthen my mind and heart and body The tools I've been given and the abilities I have developed will get me to my destination. I just have to trust and push through. I've found that the time I'm the most filled with life, energy, and joy are the times that I'm being pushed beyond any limits set on myself either by me or others. It's truly a wonderful feelings of relief and power when you summit the top of the rock, three pitches later, and realize that you've just accomplished what most people wouldn't dare let alone dream of attempting. Much like an unbeaten path of life. Besides, trad is just rad!
Speaking of climbing out of comfort zones, I am officially half way through my first semester as a professor and I tell you.. there is nothing better then being an educator! I just absolutely LOVE teaching production and watching my students develop a passion for it. I get so pumped every Wednesday to talk for four hours about production and see them become inspired. They’re all so talented and unique and for that I am thankful for a great first semester with awesome students. Next semester I will teaching more classes including documentary film production and I am beyond excited! Is this a life long career path? Possibly. I'm not sure.
Speaking of more adventure.. a goal I had set for myself in June was to summit 15 14ers in three months. For you non-coloradians,14ers are mountains that are 14,000 ft or more. I especially wanted to tackle Longs Peak which is known to be one of the more challenging 14ers to summit in Colorado